Meet Amy our latest intern!

We meet Amy Saeki-Zhai our latest intern from Griffith University.

What attracts you about being an intern for Celebrate Living History?

Being an intern at Celebrate Living History gives me the opportunity to practice my writing skills but also share stories from a range of generations which would otherwise be lost in time. I am able to interact with my local community and form a deeper connection with them. Despite being just average people, their experiences provide me with so much wisdom and courage which I hope to transmit through my writing.

I believe that stories are such a powerful way to share not only experiences but culture and knowledge. Celebrate Living History features a wide range of topics from Lifestyle to Cultural recipes. I think that this is an important bridge not only across generations but also cultures.

Who is an older person that you admire and why?

I admire my great-grandmother. She was strong-minded and independent, a woman ahead of her generation. She did not confine herself to social norms but instead did what she thought was right and best for her. I also want to be more confident like her without always caring about what others think of me.

If you could jump into a time-machine, what era would you visit and why?

I would like to go back to the Stone Age. It was a time before civilization and civilization can be quite troublesome. No one would be bothered by the constant ringing of their phone or emails popping up on their screens. Humans had one goal in life which was to survive. I think that would be enough for me.