Meet Erin our intern from Griffith University

We meet Erin Norton our newest intern from Griffith University in Queensland.

What attracts you about being an intern for Celebrate Living History?

I’m in my final year of a Bachelor of Journalism and Communciation and it’s getting to the stage now where everyone is asking me what I’m going to do at the end of it all. The thing is, I’m not sure what I want to do yet! Which is totally natural but I thought interning at Celebrating Living History would help me develop my interviewing, writing and photography skills.

Working at a medical centre on the Sunshine Coast, I come across a lot of different people from all walks of life and its so interesting to hear their life stories.

Who is an older person that you admire and why?

All the classics like David Bowie, David Attenbourough those guys but also my own family like my Nans and my parents. They are so resilient and hard-working- a trait that I hope they have passed down to me.

If you could jump into a time machine what era would you visit and why?

I’m quite interested in late 20th century history at the moment especially American moral panics of the 1970’s onwards. It would be super interesting to see how people thought during this time. I would have to say the 70’s and 80’s in England. My parents grew up during that time and it would be funny to see them when they were my age.