Meet our 2016 interns!
Creative Folk, Interns | April 4, 2016Meet Madison White who is our journalism intern from Griffith University on the Gold Coast.
What attracts you about being an intern at Celebrate Living History?
I always have and always will love storytelling, in all the many forms in comes in and our older generations are full of amazing stories to tell. The idea that I could be a part of telling these stories is what drew me to being part of the Celebrate Living History team.
Who is an older person that you admire and why?
By far the person I look up to the most is my grandmother. She raised four boys while my grandfather was away in the Army, with no contact and no way to know how he was or if she would see him again. I can’t imagine the strength and courage it took to do that, and put on a brave face for her children. She is the head of our family and one of the strongest, most generous people I know.
If you could jump into a time machine what era would you visit and why?
Hands down, the era I would love to visit is the 80’s. I’m absolutely obsessed with music from that era and the changes that were happening in the world around then as well. In particular, I would love to be around the 80’s Hollywood scene because so many amazing bands were born from those streets with the most incredible stories to tell.